d Wayne Snyder's Home Page
Wayne Snyder

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Director of Undergraduate Studies

MCS 210
Computer Science Department
111 Cummington Mall
Boston, MA 02215
Email: waysnyder@gmail.com

Fall 2020 Zoom Office Hours:
  M 5-6, T 4-5, W 5-6, Th 4-5

Cell: 1 617 966 (210 + 4! + 17)

Zoom Meeting URL: 561-630-0723

: 1 617 966 (210 + 4! + 17)



  I teach classes in introductory computer science (programming and theory) and in audio programming. I am currently teaching:
Fall 2020: CS 112

I currently serve as Director of Undergraduate Studies in the CS Department; if you have any questions or concerns about your education please contact me!


My past research interests have included Artificial Intelligence and Automated Reasoning, particularly equational reasoning and unification. I am currently developing some new research interests centering around Audio Programming and Music Information Retrieval. If you are interested in music and computing, come by to talk!

Publication list
Residence Life  

I am Faculty in Residence in Rich Hall in West Campus; if you are lucky enough to live in West Campus, come by and say hello! I also hold Math Tutoring Hours in the Rich Hall Cinema Room on Tuesdays from 7:30-10:30pm during the fall and spring semesters, and Karaoke in the same room the second Sunday evening of each semester.

  Miscellaneous information about my background, family, and interests....